Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week Proir to Halloween

What a week it's been! First I came down sick on Monday and had to leave work. I tried getting into the doctors that day...but everyone in South Jersy is sick right now. I managed an appointment on Tuesday to find out I have a virus that's going around. I'm just thankful I wasn't bacon bit. Wednesday morning, Mady woke up and came into my room feeling horrible. Needless to say she was out for the rest of the week like me with same virus. She was upset knowing she missed her Halloween party at school, but felt better when she learned many kids were out sick.
Friday night we carved pumpkins..which brought a smile to Madys face after a bummer of a week. She made it out trick or treating with her father for a bit on Halloween. They did just one street. Apparentley that was enough for her!

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